Sunday, November 20, 2011

Do we need yet another MLM scheme?

Yes we do so long as it’s on the level and well compensated.

Spinglo and Synkronice certainly fit the bill.

It is refreshing that this opportunity is a British innovation for a change.

Originally rolled out in Europe it has a huge following there, and during its prelaunch stage Spinglo  has gained a large momentum here in the UK and the US.

Spinglo sets out to revolutionise your internet experience and is using networking and social media combined to give you the opportunity to build a truly global net work of friends to provide you with a residual income.

Every time a new friend joins under you it’s worth 100 points.  When you save up enough points you then become eligible for prizes and discounts.

When you buy something you again receive points.

Imagine if every time your Facebook friends bought something online you got paid.

Also imagine if a friend of a friend bought something as well- down to five levels deep.

Imagine no longer – that is how Spinglo works.

Spinglo offers huge online discounts and commissions creating win win situations for all.

The true power of this opportunity comes in with Synkronice, spinglo’s MLM cousin.

Each time a friend makes a purchase you get a commission.

Also the Synkronice compensation plan is second to none in the business.

“The business concept of Synkronice is not only to be a part, but to be the standard bearer of the evolution online”.

Synkronice is registered in London England as PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL NETWORK LTD

Spinglo friends can only be associated with one person so the quicker you can make the decision to get onboard the better for you.

It’s free to join Spinglo so there is no risk involved to go and have a look to see what is on offer.

Click here for more information.

View the original article here


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